Corporate training doesn’t show you how to advance your career. You have to figure that out for yourself.
You’re smart. You’re hard working. And you’re very good at what you do.
So why haven’t you been promoted and recognized at work?
Why aren’t you making as much as – if not more than – your co-workers?
Why hasn’t your career advanced the way you imagined it would by this point?
This is not just your career. It’s your life. What if you could:
- Work less so you can spend quality time with your family and on your fitness & health without jeopardizing your thriving career.
- Know exactly how to get picked for the high visibility projects instead of just doing menial busywork.
- Get into the inner circle with your boss and colleagues, and have upper management as an ally and supporter.
- Make a much higher salary and enjoy more disposable income every month
- Be valued by your management and feel successful about your career.
- Do all this without resorting to unsavory behavior, aka kissing up to your boss, playing games or becoming a pro at office politics.
If your corporate training told you how to do all this, you’d not be in a hot mess of underpaid-overworked mode right now.
Sure, your employer-sponsored “leadership programs” or “career trainings” have some advantages. They teach you what’s important to your company, what your management wants from you and how to make your corporation successful (and rich!).
But corporate training won’t tell you the actual way to get pay raises, promotions, more time with your family and other sweet benefits that your more successful peers at work enjoy. You have to figure that out for yourself.
Think about it: Why would they? Your company’s number one objective is to create a profit for them, not to help advance your career or income!
Okay, enough about them. Let’s talk about you and your success.

Let’s put you on the shortest and fastest path to your next pay raise and promotion. Now, not later.
Arm yourself with these 5 success strategies – as have dozens of my clients and students – and be on your merry way to getting recognized by your manager, landing high-visibility projects, getting recognized as a subject matter expert, and paving the path for your next pay raise and promotion.
5 immediate benefits you’ll get from this training:
Let’s get into the juicy specifics. In this acceleration training, you’ll learn:
- The secret trick to getting your boss to drop everything to listen to you.
- The strategy that reduces your workload while raising your visibility.
- The most effective way to make fierce allies and have raving fans in every organization.
- The simple steps to turn any constructive feedback into your competitive advantage.
- The fool-proof way to increase your perceived value without showing off or bragging.
And you won’t get impractical ideas and cryptic theories that may or may not work in reality. Pay Raise and Promotion Acceleration Seminar gives you simple, actionable steps that you can take starting tomorrow to expedite your next pay raise and promotion.
You can wait and “think about it” or you can started right now and blaze through the lessons and put them to work. If you’re a go-getter, you know what to do.
What you get when you buy this seminar:
You learn how to become a key player using 5 proven strategies for pay raises and promotions with specific examples to help you understand and apply the lessons correctly to your own job situation. Also included is the Q&A conducted with participants during the live training.

In addition to the video training, you’ll get the MP3 audio version of the training so you can pop it onto your portable audio device and listen on the go or during your commute.
This 12-minute MP3 audio is specifically designed with positive success affirmations for careerists to empower you to believe in your own well-deserved success. Listen to this audio to stay motivated and on track to your career goals and true to your core values.

This 20-Question quiz in PDF form helps you figure out how you rank as the ideal promotion & pay raise candidate in your employer’s eyes. Your score will tell you what areas you excel at and what areas you need to improve to increase your odds significantly.
Click below if you’re ready to fast track your way to the next promotion and pay raise. I’ll talk to you in the training.
How is this different from other career programs?
There are tons of career programs out there. They teach you about corporate leadership, project management, sales operations, collaboration, teamwork, communication and more. I took two dozen such trainings during my corporate career, and I even taught a few.
However, no career program tells you exactly how to position yourself for a big raise, what to do when your boss gives you the all-time “tight budget” excuse, and how to reduce your workload while increasing your impact so your company sees you as the ideal person to promote.
I don’t know about you but when I was at my corporate job, that stuff was kinda important to me so I had to go elsewhere to figure it out. Now I’ve put the essentials in this training for you.
That’s what makes Pay Raise and Promotion Acceleration Seminar unique. If you want a fast path to pay raise and promotion and little else, this training will prove invaluable to you:
What qualifies me to tell you this stuff

Hi, I’m Farnoosh Brock and I created this video training for you.
Several years ago at my corporate job, I was desperate to get recognized and promoted to the next level. I felt humiliated and frustrated to be neglected for all my hard work and feel so clueless about my own career advancement.
Since I couldn’t find out how from anyone or any training, I made a decision to figure it out for myself.
None of the leadership workshops, career books or corporate training programs gave me the real answer.
In the end, I was able to crack the code to corporate success from my mentors, executive coaches, internal allies, and people who’d actually climbed the ladder while making it look easy and effortless.
Their code to success worked! My results were astonishing: I was able to double my salary, triple my bonus, decrease my workload by half and increase my flex time by 4 times. I negotiated travel perks and work-from-home arrangements and got a YES to everything.
My success wasn’t accidental or lucky or unique to me either. I passed on the strategies to peers and colleagues who duplicated my success – sometimes better!
Today, I’m passionate and really good at getting people like you promoted to the next level along with big pay raises. This seminar here is like picking my brain for 2 hours at a tiny fraction of what I charge for coaching. If you’re a go-getter and hungry for more financial security, mental peace, and higher influence but far less busywork, take the seminar now. I’ll talk to you on the inside.
They loved it. You would too.
“Farnoosh’s thoroughness in research, her vast corporate experience and her ability to understand what it takes to succeed are an inspiration. She has not only helped me take successful steps in my own career, but has additionally helped me understand which roads are best to take to achieve that success. Farnoosh is committed to offering a system of advice that truly works for anyone looking to move up in their careers.”
Regional Marketing Director

“I have been working with Farnoosh for the last 7 months, she has been a tremendous asset to work with. She is a powerhouse of talent and ideas that she channels into helping others to do the same. I am fortunate to be working with someone of her caliber who is warm, personable and able to see in my blind spots to develop new ideas and directions for making changes in my business life.”

Senior IT Consultant
“Going to work every day to a job that is un-fulfilling was draining me. All I could think about was quitting no matter what, but that wouldn’t have been smart, not with all of my responsibilities. Farnoosh has helped me to put things into perspective and look at the situation in a practical manner. I now have a plan that not only takes into account all my responsibilities, but also has helped generate ideals for a new path!”
Speaker and Published Author

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
We feel confident you’re going to love the Pay Raise and Promotion Acceleration Seminar so much that we’ve taken all risk out of the equation for you. You stand to gain so much that I want you to try it for 30 days, and if you have a change of heart, I’ll refund all your money. I proudly stand behind my product and your happiness with it means a great deal.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use to this program, exactly?
I’ve been stuck in my role for 5+ years with no raise or promotion. Does this program help me get unstuck and get promoted?
Is this program only for corporate America or does it apply to other countries?
My boss said no last time I asked about a raise. Will I still find the seminar useful?
Do I get anything shipped to me, like a CD?
What if I have more questions before I buy?