What You Don’t Know about Your Employer Can Hurt You
There’s no Corporate 101 Training that tells us what we need to know when we start out. I hope to be that unofficial Corporate 101 for you in this strategy lesson.
If you do not know these little-known truths I am about to share and you are an employee – especially a loyal and hardworking one – at a corporation, then you are hurting your career and your future opportunities. A lot.
You are hurting your career if you are not advancing, if your compensation is mediocre, both of which you can change!
And if you are not considered top talent that gets moved up the chain, you’re not tagged as indispensable or valuable to the company.
And you would not know any of these little-known facts (most corporate employees don’t either so you are not alone), because your manager or the HR does not exactly tap you on the shoulder to tell you this.
If you didn’t relate to any of that – low compensation, invisible, mediocre pay – congratulations! You are already a rising star in your company and have a few nice promotions and a few substantial raises under your belt and if you are so on top of your game, then you will already be intimately familiar these reasons.
If you are a future rising star, a conscientious hard-working person who is not going anywhere and getting frustrated to find out why, then today’s strategy is for you, my dear because behind those closed management doors, and those hush-hush corporate meetings, the stuff that you don’t know is counting against you. Every day. In silence.
You can work harder and harder every day and it won’t make a difference if you are making a number of mistakes that kill your career.
3 Actual Reasons You’re Not Getting Promoted
Well, it’s not that you are not working hard enough. If you are following these career strategies, you are likely a hard-working self-conscious person with strong work ethics. I know there is no shortage of losers that stay on the payroll in every company – don’t even get me started on that one – but I am betting you are not one of them.
So I won’t be hammering “do your job well” or “work hard” or “dress appropriately” overused tips that everyone knows and does not need to hear yet again. You are smart. You know the basics. I will not be insulting your intelligence by telling you the obvious.
Let’s talk about the not-so-obvious, shall we? Here go the 3 little-known reasons that keep you from getting promoted:
1. You’re not confident you can do the job at the next level.
If you’re not feeling confident and certain that you can do not just the job at your level but the one at the level above you, you will never get promoted. Think about it. If you were your own boss, would you promote someone who is timid about doing the job at the next level?
So are you confident you can do the job at the next level and do it well? Do you feel worthy of the responsibilities and the higher rewards that come with it?
And is this confidence and sense of self-worth showing through your actions and your words at work?
2. You complain – even if in ‘private’ – with an attitude of “this is not fair!”
Stop complaining about everything this instant. If you don’t think you’re the complaining type, let a friend be the judge of that.
You may think you’re just expressing your thoughts, but if it sounds even remotely like you’re complaining, you just sabotage all your hard work.
Instead, show gratitude, say nothing unless it can serve you well, and keep your opinions to yourself.
3. You gossip – without even being aware of it – about your boss, your co-workers and/or your company:
Gossip makes you vulnerable and loose lips will sink your career. Do not engage in office gossip and do not engage with people who gossips, inside or outside office hours or company campus. You are being watched at all times. Yes, be paranoid. It will save your career.
If you are making any of these mistakes in your career, pay attention now and change your ways immediately. You can still recover if you stop doing them fast and do damage-control to salvage your reputation.
This is just a few of the mistakes that you could be making in silence and sabotaging your chances of getting promoted.
If you are making these mistakes, or if you worried that you might be making other mistakes we didn’t cover here, the best thing you could do for your career is take a look at Crack the Code to Get Promoted. Inside you’ll find the stuff that no employers is openly telling you, no training program teaches you, and few if any mentors or coaches feel qualified to walk you through.
This is not a sugar-coated feel-good career guide but then again neither is a career in today’s corporate world, so if you have the heart to be in that rough environment, you’ll need this no-nonsense program that uncovers the least-obvious and most-important things you need to know to advance at your job, period.
Until our Career Strategy #3, I want to encourage you to think about these little-known facts and start looking at your career from this angle. This is the beginning of getting you in the winning frame of mind and that is closer and closer to you getting promoted at work.
That’s it for this strategy! You will have your next exclusive tip in your Inbox soon.
Talk to you in the next strategy,
Questions? Click here to contact me.
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